產品介紹樂泰3220膠水產品優(yōu)點1.一個組成部分2.在低溫下快速固化3.優(yōu)異的附著力加熱固化應用膠粘劑和密封劑典型應用圖像傳感器和MMC 漢高
公司提供的高效, 優(yōu)質, 環(huán)保的LOCTITE-樂泰系列螺紋鎖固劑, 管螺紋密封劑, 結構膠,紫外線固化的結構膠, 環(huán)氧膠, 平面密封膠, 圓柱型零件固持膠, 表面處理劑, 預涂螺紋膠,浸滲密封劑;Hysol系列的電子產品粘合劑;TEROSON泰羅松系列的硅橡膠,聚胺脂, 處理劑, 不干膠, 焊縫密封膠, 氯丁膠;FREKOTE系列的橡膠脫模劑和復合材料脫模劑;前處理系列的P3 / Ridoline中性清洗劑及防銹劑,Alodine鉻化劑,Bonderite / Granodine磷化液及鈍化劑,以及水處理劑;3Autophoretic系列的自泳漆等產品。產品屬性樂泰3220 LOCTITE 3220 is designed for use in heat sensitive devices.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALCasson Viscosity @ 25 °C, mPa?s (cP):Haake PK 100, M10/PK 1 2° ConeYield Point @ 25°C, MPaSpecific GravityPot Life @ 25oC, days其他說明LOCTITE3220 Hysol UF3808With all curing systems, the time required for cure depends on the rateof heating. Cure rate depends on the mass of material to be heatedand intimate contact with the heat source. Use suggested cureconditions as general guidelines. Other cure conditions may yieldsatisfactory results.交易說明專供電子工廠,具體請詢咨相關業(yè)務。