陽離子聚丙烯酰胺 Cationic Polyacrylamide
產(chǎn)品特性 Product Features
The cationic monomer (DM, DMC, CPF, DMDAAC and DMAEMA, etc.) copoly with acryl amide. After granulation, drying and crushing, the product is formed. According to the different forms it can be divided into two forms: solid particles and the emulsion. On the market the most widely used product at present is solid granule which appears white. Molecular weight is lower than anionic or non-ionic polymer; clarify performance mainly realized by charge neutralization. The mainly function are flocculating negatively charged colloid, removing the turbidity, decolorizing. It is also applicable to the high content of organic colloid in water treatment.
屠宰廢水是污染嚴重、排放量大的工業(yè)廢水之一 ,其中含有大量的油脂、蛋白質(zhì)、血液、糞便和泥沙等。隨著城市健康工程的實施 ,我國大部分城市已開始禽畜的集中屠宰 ,以沈陽某屠宰廠為例 ,日均屠宰生豬 1萬頭以上 ,日排放廢水近千噸 。博源凈水技術(shù)服務(wù)部在對以往的客戶案例水樣檢測中,發(fā)現(xiàn)屠屖廢水和肉制品處理污水中的COD,BOD,SS,NH3-N,有機油脂含量普遍較高。這些屠屖清洗廢水、解體廢水、內(nèi)臟清洗廢水以及動物糞便廢水含大量的有機物質(zhì),廢水呈紅褐色,有強烈的腥臭味![](http://zs1.img-1.com/pic/156561/p5/20161012163039_3494_zs.jpg)
Polyacrylamide used as fiber pulp instead of starch and gelatin can make the fiber has excellent carding and obviously reduce the consumption of pulp. Polyacrylamide can also be used as sizing agent,fabric finishing agent and so on. Its strong moisture absorption can reduce the break rate when spinning yarn.